Good Morning it is Monday May 30th, you’re listening to CFRC 101.9 FM in Kingston, I’m Karim Mosna with your daily news brief. Nice day in store, a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 23. In the news…
Queen’s University has announced they are suspending the mandatory masking requirement effective this Wednesday June 1st. A statement was posted to Queens’ website saying the decision is based on the current state of the pandemic in which COVID-19 cases and hospital capacity in our region are stable, and masks are no longer required in most public settings. However, there are some exceptions, the university asks students to inquire with their departments on PPE requirements. Later in the summer, Queens will review the masking policy in preparation for the fall semester. This story courtesy of Owen Fullerton of YGK News.
The Level One Fire Ban has been lifted for all of South Frontenac Township. Residents can return to having campfires and cooking fires. Fire Chief Darcy Knott says he is pleased to report there was no unauthorized burning, or reports of fireworks over the past two weeks. The ban was lifted due to changing weather conditions and remaining vegetation presenting reduced risks as compared to a few weeks ago.
The City of Kingston is reaching out to employers and residents to refresh their community-wide strategy to recruit and retain workers. Kingston’s Workforce Development and In-Migration Strategy was first implemented in 2017. City of Kingston Workforce Development Analyst, Dajana Turkovic says while some of the issues are the same, the pandemic brought new challenges for employers and job seekers including: mental health, child care and remote work.
Turkovic says she hopes to hear from the community to gain context on the issues they are facing, to see which themes emerge and to work together to find strategies.
There is an online information session for the initiative on June 2nd, along with an interactive forum on the Get Involved Kingston website where both employers and job seekers can share ideas and participate in discussions. The full interview with Dajana Turkovic will air as part of Citizen K, tomorrow at 5 here on CFRC.
That’s your daily news brief, I’m Karim Mosna. If you have any news tips, please email me news@cfrc.ca
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