After airing the bulk of the September 22nd ‘100 Thousand Poets for Change’ event at The Spire over the course of the last few weeks, you’ll hear the final two unaired readings in it: Alyssa Cooper’s and Bruce Kauffman’s. Following that, a reading by Amy Barry with Angela Bannon on guitar, recorded in Ireland. And following that, from Maureen Garvie’s September 18th book launch at Novel Idea Bookstore, you’ll hear her reading from ‘Almost Invisible’ there. Then, from the September 5th reading in the monthly ‘and the journey continues’ open mic series, you’ll hear readings by Joan Satchwill, Mickeelie Webb, David Wright, Ky Pearce, Sarah Emtage, Anne Graham, Bethany Knapp, Brent Moore, Jennie Marshall, Morgan Chin-Yee, and Sasha Hill.