CFRC Daily News Briefs
CFRC Daily News Briefs
August 2-News Brief

It’s Tuesday August 2nd, I’m Karim Mosna with your daily news brief. In the news…

Kingston Health Sciences’ Urgent Care Centre closed 3 hours early yesterday. Just after 5pm the hospital announced they had reached capacity for the number of patients they could safely care for given the staffing situation. The UCC’s regular hours are 8am to 8pm. KHSC recommends visiting the website for alternate care options.


Sustainable Construction material provider Lafarge Canada is co-funding a low carbon concrete design research project at Queen’s University. Lafarge is also providing their ECOPact concrete. Much of the research will be done in Queen’s Civil Engineering labs and a lab will be constructed at the Kingston Fire and Rescue Training Centre.

Team lead and Civil Engineering Professor at Queen’s Dr. Neil Hoult says, “It’s going to be both actively used by Kingston’s Fire Services as a classroom and as a living lab so that Queen’s and St. Lawrence College students can come and learn about low-carbon buildings. We’re aiming for a net-zero building philosophy.” 


Researchers from Queen’s University in partnership with Mcmaster University  have discovered a gut bacterial ‘super-producer’ of histamine that  causes pain flare-ups for some patients with irritable bowel syndrome. The team identified a strain of microbiota known as Klebsiella aerogenes in up to a quarter of patients with IBS.

Queens’ Professor of Medicine, Dr. Steven Vanner says, “We can use this bacteria to identify which patients may be susceptible to this pain signaling pathway and also deliver strategies that may be able to target this bacteria.”

My full conversation with Dr. Vanner coming up this afternoon at 5 on Citizen K.


That’s all for your daily news brief. If you have any news tips, email me: