QUO Fast Radio Bursts
QUO Fast Radio Bursts
CHANG-ES Make It So ft. Judith Irwin


Prof. Judith Irwin is a professor at Queen’s University
Judith Irwin is the Principle Investigator (leader) of the CHANG-ES collaboration
Her team studies edge on spiral galaxies and their magnetic fields
The magnetic fields can be seen in the halo of these galaxies. CHANG-ES has created award winning photos of these magnetic fields
To detect magnetic fields there must also be cosmic rays

The CHANG-ES Collaboration:

CHANG-ES stands for: Continuum Halos in Nearby Galaxies – an EVLA Survey
Observing many galaxies they can combine the data to see the very faint average galaxy halo
They have found a consistent X-shaped magnetic field coming out of edge on spiral galaxies
Theoretically this can be explained with a galaxy scale magnetic dynamo (which is the same theory for Earth’s magnetic field)
The dynamo model of galaxy magnetic fields is also consistent with an exciting new observation of alternating field directions

Looking to the Future:

The CHANG-ES collaboration plans plans to seek even fainter magnetic fields using new powerful telescopes such as the MeerKAT and in the future the SKA
Observing these magnetic fields in other galaxies (like Elliptical galaxies) is challenging unless they have a good source of cosmic rays
Adding more galaxies to the CHANG-ES collection of observations will help for detecting faint signals

Special thanks to Colin Vendromin for the music, also thanks to Zac Kenny for the logo!