Here’s your CFRC Daily News Brief for Tuesday, January 5th 2021!
We have 45 active cases of COVID-19 in the KFLA region. We are still in lockdown until January 23rd so don’t forget to do your part by keeping our community as well as yourselves safe. Wear your masks, wash and sanitize your hands, stay 6 feet apart, and limit your interactions to only those in your household as much as possible.
As winter continues and the snow will as well, the city is asking residents to make garbage collection a little easier for our collectors so that they are not faced with challenging stops as they make thousands of them each week. The city recommends you to Keep a path from the road to your collectibles clear of snow and ice and to choose a safe and visible ground-level location on the right side at the end of your driveway or walkway (as you face the street), or on the boulevard closest to the curb. Do not place your garbage bins on snow banks as that makes it difficult for collectors to retrieve the bins.
Have a news update to share? Reach out to news@cfrc.ca today!