A celebration for the ages
1-0-0. When we started this podcast way back in January 2020 we never fathomed we’d make it here. But thanks to a little luck, and a lot of CSIS dark money, we pulled through. To celebrate, we all definitely made a coherently organized top 10 list of our personal picks for the Worst Canadian™️. Also Meghan said we’re not allowed to call people “ugly” anymore which makes the possibility of making another 100 of these things seriously in doubt :/
Twitter thread by @RahRahRaina
Our theme song is “Mega Guillotine 2020” by the prophetic and powerful AJJ. Go buy their album Good Luck Everybody for instructions on magicks dark and terrible.
Need a place to send your manifesto now that your children have stopped returning your texts? Shoot us an email at llcscfrc@gmail.com and we promise to not report you to the authorities.
Sister Shows