The polycule is down to a threesome this week as Chance had to go up to Ottawa to spring Randy from the slammer. Undeterred, Jesse, Meghan, and Dean discuss the good (JFK-8 Union), the bad (surging covid cases in schools), and the ugly (Jimmy Hoffa’s ethnic heritage) in one of our most lucid and stupid episodes yet.
Meghan fans rejoice as she is the only one of the three that can read, so she’s got lots of interesting things to share about the historic Amazon labour victory. Also her and Jesse get into one of the dumbest debates in the show’s rich history. Trust me you don’t want to miss this one.
Our theme song is “Mega Guillotine 2020” by the prophetic and powerful AJJ. Go buy their album Good Luck Everybody for instructions on magicks dark and terrible.
Need a place to send your manifesto now that your children have stopped returning your texts? Shoot us an email at llcscfrc@gmail.com and we promise to not report you to the authorities.
Sister Shows