A real horned up, mishmash of topics on this week’s show. We start off by discussing the end of a great tyrant who was finally fell by the aftershocks of #MeToo. Then we transition into discussing Hockey Canada’s sexual assault coverup fund. Our boys posit what they believe is the only way to fix hockey culture – drag queens. Give 👏 the 👏queens 👏 skates 👏 and 👏 sticks 👏. We round it out by debating over the celibacy status of Mario characters.
The P4W Memorial Collective is raising funds for the Prisoners’ Justice Day of Healing. Please donate if you can: https://www.gofundme.com/f/prisoners-justice-day-healing-circle-2022
Our theme song is “Mega Guillotine 2020” by the prophetic and powerful AJJ. Go buy their album Good Luck Everybody for instructions on magicks dark and terrible.
Need a place to send your manifesto now that your children have stopped returning your texts? Shoot us an email at llcscfrc@gmail.com and we promise to not report you to the authorities.
Sister Shows