It’s Monday July 11th. Good Morning I’m Karim Mosna with your daily news brief. In the news…
Tomorrow is Amazon Prime Day. While it’s a big day for deals, Kingston Police are warning it’s prime time for scams. Cybercriminals may include the amazon logo in phishing emails, or may send emails with links to fake Amazon pages asking for credentials. Police recommend if you receive any emails from Amazon to not click on links in the email, but to go directly to Amazon’s website and log in. They also recommend enabling Multi-Factor Authentication on your account.
The Queens’ Indigenous Identity Final Report has been released. First Peoples Group in Ottawa were contracted to do the report in light of community concerns around Indigenous identity of Queens faculty and staff sparked by a document titled “Investigation into false claims to Indigenous identity at Queen’s University” The report presents seven recommendations for hiring policies and procedures based on Grandfather teachings including: Love, Truth, Humility, Respect, Courage, Wisdom and Honesty.
Chancellor Murray Sinclair says, this is one step of many to rectify the impacts caused by past processes and systems. Queen’s University along with all universities and colleges across Turtle Island must now take significant steps to demonstrate their commitment to reconciliation.
In response to the report, Queen’s will establish an Indigenous Oversight Council. Principal Patrick Deane says the council will advise the university on matters of Indigenous representation and citizenship.
The full report is available on the Queens University website. I will share my conversation with Associate Vice-Principal of Indigenous Initiatives & Reconciliation Janice Hill this afternoon at 4:30 on the Scoop.
Flying Sail Boats are coming to Kingston. Sailing with the boat out of the water at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour is known as Foiling. Kingston Yacht Club and the Canadian Foiling Centre are hosting the second annual FOILKingston and FORK. Over 30 competitors will foil out of Portsmouth Olympic Harbour and Lake Ontario Park this Thursday through Sunday as part of the three day regatta.
That’s all for your daily news brief. I’m Karim Mosna. If you have any news tips, email me: news@cfrc.ca