CFRC Daily News Briefs
CFRC Daily News Briefs

It’s Thursday November 3rd. Good Morning I’m Karim Mosna with your daily news brief. In the news..,.


Kingston Health Sciences Centre has declared COVID-19 outbreaks on the Connell 3 and Davies 5 units at its Kingston General Hospital site. Four patients are associated with the outbreak on Connell 3 and five patients have now tested positive on Davies 5. Both units are currently closed to all but essential visitors. KFL&A Public Health has been notified, and KHSC is in the process of notifying patients, visitors and staff affected by the outbreak. KHSC is also completing the necessary contact tracing and testing for individuals on the unit.


Kingston Police and By-Law reported for the second week in a row, individuals at large gatherings drinking on rooftops, climbing trees while intoxicated and jumping from rooftops into crowds of partygoers. Projectiles were also thrown throughout the crowd and, in one case struck an individual, which required them to be transported to Kingston General Hospital by Frontenac Paramedics.

Kingston Police Chief Antje McNeely said, “Officers continued to observe aggressive, volatile and unsafe behaviour that has unfortunately become far too commonplace these past weeks,” “We still saw many dangerous gatherings with high-risk behaviour displayed throughout the weekend.”
There were a total of 72 noise complaints, and 8 people were arrested for public intoxication over the weekend.


On Saturday November 19th, founder of the research group ETC Group Pat Mooney will be in Kingston to speak about the group’s publication: “A Long Food Movement: Transforming Food Systems by 2045.” According to a release the report lays out two futures for the planet: one with agribusiness as usual and the other where food systems are reclaimed by social movements. 

The presentation is free to attend, it will be held at Memorial Hall in Kingston City Hall Saturday November 19th from 2 to 4pm. 


That’s all for your daily news brief. I’m Karim Mosna, if you have any news tips email: