First hour featuring, from the November 6th open mic reading in the ‘and the journey continues’ monthly series and that month held as part of CFRC 101.9fm’s 13th Annual Funding Drive, you’ll hear readings by Mike Drake, Ken Chin, Sasha Hill, Catherine Lord, Alyssa Cooper, Octavie Doherty Haigh, Eric Folsom, Rob Watson, Kin Man, Jill Glatt, Ky Pearce, Anne Graham, Bob MacKenzie, Eugene Cornacchia, Meg Freer, and Bruce Kauffman. Second hour featuring, again from the November 6th open mic reading in the ‘and the journey continues’ monthly series and held as part of CFRC 101.9fm’s 13th Annual Funding Drive, you’ll hear readings by Ken Chin, Sasha Hill, Catherine Lord, Alyssa Cooper, Octavie Doherty Haigh, Eric Folsom, Kin Man, Jill Glatt, Ky Pearce, Anne Graham, Eugene Cornacchia, Meg Freer, and Bruce Kauffman.