QUO Fast Radio Bursts
QUO Fast Radio Bursts
Our Lonely Galaxy ft. Nathan Deg

We interview Dr. Nathan Deg, a Software developer for the Canadian Institute for Radio Astronomy:
Resides at Queen’s University and comes from Nova Scotia but was born in Kingston
focuses on numerical simulations of isolated and interacting pairs of galaxies
Achieved a bachelor’s from Saint Mary’s University and Astrophysics
And then a Masters and PhD in simulations of galaxies here at Queen’s
Left Canada for a little while and worked in University of Cape Town in South Africa

Parts of the Milky Way:

A Bulge
A Bar
A Disk
Stellar Halo
Dark Matter Halo
Stellar Streams : Streams with stars from other galaxies as a result of interactions between galaxies

The Future of Radio Astronomy: the Square Kilometre Array, planned to be in Australia and South Africa.

Special thanks to Colin Vendromin for the music, also thanks to Zac Kenny for the logo!