QUO Fast Radio Bursts
QUO Fast Radio Bursts
Percy Goes To Mars Pt.1

Ultra-Fast Radio Burst: Perseverance and Mars Explorations.

Some Basic Facts about Mars:

4th Planet in the solar system
It takes about 687 days for one orbit around the sun with a martian day being 24hr 37 mins.
Fun fact: if you weigh 100kgs on Earth, you only weigh 38 kgs on Mars because of the low gravity.
Most of the atmosphere (which is very little) consists of CO2 and water vapor
Avg. temperature -62 degrees Celsius max on 35C
The Red color because of metallic rust
Tallest Mountain in the solar system: Mount Olympus towering 21 km

First missions to Mars:

Started with Mariner 3&4 in 1964 — earlier than the Moon Landing. The Mariner series was planned to study the inner planets. Mariner 3 didn’t make it but Mariner 4 made it and lasted an unexpected 3 years and took the first close-up pictures.
Mariner 6, 8, & 9ook the first close-up photographs, study solar wind environment and make coordinated measurements with Mariner 5 to Venus in 1967. Mariner 9 became the first to map 100% of the Martian surface in 1971.
The first lander to Mars occurred in 1976 with the Viking 1&2 orbiter and lander. It took photographs and conducted various science experiments — Seismic (Viking 2), 3 biological experiments, studies the composition of the Martian atmosphere and soil.
First Rover was called the “Sojourner” as a part of the Mars pathfinder missions. Landed on the surface in 1997. For landing, this was the first mission that was assisted by a parachute to slow its descent through the thin Martian atmosphere and a giant system of airbags to cushion the impact.
Sojourner studied martian geology proved that Mars was warm and had liquid water.
It also found that airborne dust is magnetic, and its characteristics suggest the magnetic mineral is maghemite, a very magnetic form of iron oxide, which may have been freeze-dried on the particles as a stain or cement. An active water cycle in the past may have leached out the iron from materials in the crust.

Special thanks to Colin Vendromin for the music also thanks to Zac Kenny for the logo!