CFRC Daily News Briefs
CFRC Daily News Briefs

It’s Thursday September 22nd. Good Morning I’m Karim Mosna with your daily news brief. Beautiful sunny morning right now, but expect skies to cloud over with a slight chance of a late morning shower, a high of 16 with the temperature dropping to 10 this afternoon. Right now it’s 14. In the news…


Kingston Economic Development Corporation/’s has won a Gold Rank from the International Economic Development Council’s 2022 Excellence in Economic Development Awards Program for the Kingston-Syracuse Pathway. The Cross border partnership facilitates research and development, provides access to resources for international entrepreneurs and startups to expand into Canada and The U.S. According to a release from Economic Development, The overall vision of the Kingston-Syracuse Pathway is to enhance connectivity and position the region as a leading global innovation ecosystem. The Corporation received the award on Tuesday at the IEDC’s annual conference in Oklahoma City. 


With a month to go until the municipal election on October 24th. This Saturday there will be a meet and greet with the mayoral candidates as well as council candidates from Kingscourt/Rideau, Williamsville and King’s Town. The meet and greet provides an opportunity to share municipal ideas and concerns, practice voting in the voter simulation booth and a free barbeque. The event runs from noon to 3 this Saturday at 263 Weller Avenue.


A 30 year partnership between Home Hardware and Tree Canada resulted in the planting of 125 trees at Lamoine Point yesterday completing a heritage section of the park. 

Atkinson Home Hardware Design Manager Sonia Atkinson says, some of our staff was involved in the tree planting, Mike who heads up Tree Canada and some lovely volunteers. 

Home Hardware community tree plants occur annually across Canada on the Wednesday of National Forest Week. Yesterday was also National Tree Day.


That’s all for your daily news brief. I’m Karim Mosna if you have any news tips email me: