It’s Friday September 30th. Good Morning I’m Karim Mosna with your daily news brief. In the news…
Today is National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Locally, Kingston City Council has declared it a civic holiday, to encourage the community to observe the occasion.There will be no garbage, recycling or green bin collection today, Friday’s collection will be pushed to tomorrow. All administrative offices are closed today. However, Kingston Transit and the Access Bus will be running as normal. All Kingston Frontenac Public Library branches are open, arenas and community centres are also open, the Tett Centre building will be open, however the office will be closed, and Utilities Kingston will remain open today.
Tomorrow, October 1st is the start of Islamic History Month with both in person and virtual events planned. City Hall will be lit up in green Saturday night starting at 6:30 to commemorate the month. The theme for the month is Multicultural Flavours of Muslim Cuisine: Culinary contributions of Muslim to health, wellness, social peace and societal harmony.
The Alzhiemer’s Society of Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington are kicking off their annual fall fundraising campaign with a Coffee Day at McDonalds today. All McDonald’s locations throughout Kingston and Napanee will be donating 50 cents of every coffee sold to the local Alzheimer Society. Alzheimer’s staff and volunteers will be at most locations accepting donations. According to a release from the Alzheimer’s Society, The Anything For Alzheimer’s campaign encourages businesses, individuals and organizations to raise funds and to help promote awareness of Alzheimers and Dementia. Anyone who wishes to host a fundraiser can choose to organize an Alzheimer Coffee Break with coffee donated by North Roast Coffee, or create an event in memory of someone, or host a Social event such as a silent auction, a yard sale, a concert, a run, a paint night, or abake sale.
That’s all for your daily news brief. If you have any news tips email me: news@cfrc.ca