In this special episode episode of The Scoop, host Dinah Jansen is joined by Thomas Park, Dr. Courtney Czto and Noah Weisbord for a roundtable discussion about anti-Asian racism. Canada, like the US, has recently seen an uptick in anti-Asian racism since the onset of COVID 19.
Dr. Courtney Szto of the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies at Queen’s University is an expert in activist driven research that explores the relationship between physical cultures and intersectional justice and who has written extensively on the experiences of South Asians on the hockey rink, a well-known site of Canadian cultural citizenship. Thomas Park, Vice President of the Business Development Bank of Canada, Chair of the Banff Forum and alumnus of McGill, Harvard and Dartmouth recently penned an op-ed in the Toronto Star entitled “The Era of the Model Minority ends in the face of anti-Asian racism.” Noah Weisbord is an Associate Professor in the Queen’s University Faculty of Law, a leading expert on individual criminal responsibility leading to aggressive war with a research focus on criminal law in the management, reflection and even exacerbation of intergroup conflict.
Each share their thoughts on the roots of anti-Asian racism to the present day; discuss political, press and police responses to violence directed at Asian Canadian community members; share ideas on the divisions and solidarities between these communities and with other racialized groups in Canada; and also discuss ways in which we can build a safer more inclusive culture and society.