Shortwave Theatre Festival
Shortwave Theatre Festival
A Strong Girl

👩‍❤️‍👩 When bones are discovered just underfoot along Princess St., we are reminded that Kingston’s tragedies and ghosts are always more complex (and more gay) than they seem. Rysia Andrade’s A Strong Girl introduces us to Margie, your classic Victorian baby-gay, as she deals with love, sex, anxiety and laundry, living through her brief but intense romance with the alluring military wife down the street.

A Strong Girl, aired on November 7 2020 on CFRC 101. 9 FM as the last radio theatre drama to air during the Shortwave Theatre Festival.  A Strong Girl is directed by Maddy Scovil, stars Tracey Guptil and Sophie Vollick, and is sound designed by Ensor Moriarty. 

Shortwave’s radio theatre performances were made possible through the generous support of the City of Kingston Arts Council, Ontario Arts Council, The Dan School of Drama and Music and the Robert H. Black Fund through the Department of Film and Media at Queen’s University.

The podcast version of this and Shortwave Theatre Festival content is made possible through the generous support of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Queen’s University.

Music performed in A Strong Girl by local artists Haley Sarfeld and Rogan Gowan.