QUO Fast Radio Bursts
QUO Fast Radio Bursts
Dark Matter, Destroyer of Worlds ft. Alan


Dark matter appears to be everywhere in the universe, yet we don’t know what it is
One idea that many scientists think dark matter could be is a WIMP but there are many other ideas
Asymmetric dark matter is a concept for dark matter that wouldn’t have an anti-particle. While this doesn’t seem far fetched at first, it is surprising to a lot of physicists.
How to destroy a world with dark matter:

If dark matter can collide with regular matter it may sink to the center of the Earth and collect there until it collapses into a black hole
This could be stopped if dark matter particles bounce off each other, but that is unlikely to be an issue
Since the Earth hasn’t been destroyed yet, we can exclude dark matter ideas that would destroy the Earth and look for other models
One possibility is that the black holes evaporate and produce particles that we might be able to detect
What else can we learn:

Dark matter black holes could be detected by the neutrinos that they emit, but we haven’t seen them yet so more limits can be made
Surprisingly, Neutron stars aren’t very good at collecting dark matter
Also, on large scales of the universe there wouldn’t be much difference between Alan’s asymmetric dark matter and other models like WIMPs

Special thanks to Colin Vendromin for the music also thanks to Zac Kenny for the logo!