Here and Now: The YGK Community News Podcast
Here and Now: The YGK Community News Podcast
Here and Now Launch

Local news, local conversations.

  • The community response to the racist and homophobic attack in Chown Hall of Residence

Labour News

  • Strike by the Commissionaires at Canadian Forces Base, their demands and employer’s response
  • Strike by the cleaning workers in Petawawa CFB
  • Education workers’ strike narrowly avoided

Climate News

  • Extinction Rebellion (XR), local extension of a global network
  • The report produced by the Climate Working Group in City Council

Housing News

  • The Katarokwi Union of Tenants, their objectives and campaign

Reproductive Healthcare

  • An interview with Ayca Tomac, a member of the working group, Reproductive Justice and Healthcare under OPIRG

International News

  • Turkish State’s assault on Northern Syria
  • Lebanese Protests
  • Chilean Protests: an interview with Nathalia Santos, a Puerto Rican PhD Student in Geography on Chile