On January 14th, 2022 Queen’s University announced a new study, being led by Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC) and Queen’s that is looking to find answers to the question of access to urgent medical care equipment in remote communities through the use of a portable MRI, a brand new technology now available in Canada. Developed by Hyperfine, the unit was recently delivered to Weeneebayko General Hospital in Moose Factory, Ontario and is the first unit of its kind in Canada to be used for patient care.
Dr. Omar Islam, Head of the Department of Diagnostic Radiology at Queen’s University joins us in this segment to discuss this critical new project. Islam sheds light on obstacles to diagnostic health care for communities like Moose Factory, Ontario, the work KHSC and Queen’s have been conducting to provide specialized health care services to remote communities over the years, and the impacts of the study for portable MRI use in remote communities, emergency rooms, NICUs and ICUs.