Psychological Dangers in Participatory Theatre by Hailey Scott is a documentary research project created during the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Stemming from a formative experience at the infamous Sleep No More, Hailey’s research is grounded in how audiences engage with the dangers hidden behind the curtain and how artists can make theatre a compelling and safe experience for their patrons. In this documentary, Scott explores what danger is, shares some thrilling moments she has experienced as an audience member, and introduce listeners to her new theory titled ‘Theatre of Care.’ In executing this project, Scott is thankful to have had the opportunity to work alongside the wonderful people at CFRC and for the support offered to her through the Department of Film & Media’s Robert H. Black Residency Program.
Normally produced in CFRC’s studios, this documentary was recorded remotely using portable recording equipment and digital platforms such as Zoom while Scott, like most of her student colleagues, remained off campus during the pandemic for much of the school year.
Hailey Scott is currently an Education student in her final year at Queen’s University, where she studies the arts of teaching English, drama, and at-risk youth. Hailey will be attending York University in Fall 2022 to continue her research while completing a Master’s degree in Theatre and Performance Studies. Scott’s research focuses on how emotions are fostered by participatory theatre while providing theatre creators with the tools they need to cultivate psychologically safe spaces for their audiences. When she’s not watching or studying theatre, Hailey also enjoys wandering around the forests around her hometown in the Muskoka, Ontario region and making lasting memories with her loved ones.