Finding a Voice
Finding a Voice
Readings from Another Eclectic 'And the Journey Continues'

Original Broadcast- Friday, September 20th, from 4-6pm EDT on CFRC 101.9fm’s ‘finding a voice’ –

In the first hour, from the August 6 reading in the monthly ‘and the journey continues’ monthly series, you’ll hear readings by Dave Pratt, Sarah Emtage, Anne Graham, Bethmarie Michalska, Cory Tokay, Roger Dorey, Elaine Panneton, Paul Chaput, Devin G.A., LJ Weisberg, Ken Chin, Tia Lunn, Jennie Marshall, Karen Rudie, Joshua Schyff, Chris Kearney, Eric Folsom, and me. 

In the second hour from the same August reading in that series, you’ll hear readings by Madelyn Iler, John Rose, Kinman, Sarah Emtage, Sasha Hill, Anne Graham, Bethmarie Michalska, Cory Tokay, Elaine Panneton, Devin G.A., LJ Weisberg, Ken Chin, Tia Lunn, Joshua Schyff, Chris Kearney, Eric Folsom, and me.