In this special installment of Campus Beat, we continue with our special AMS and SGPS Elections and Referenda coverage presenting footage from the January 22nd 2025 Society of Graduate and Professional Students All Candidates Debate which occurred virtually with an almost historic number of candidates running for SGPS office. Video of the debate is available on the SGPS website at SGPS.ca. The debate was also broadcast on CFRC 101.9 FM/CFRC.ca on Sunday January 26th 2025.
SGPS Deputy Speaker Eileen O’Brien facilitated the January 22nd All-Candidates debate as moderator. Following Ms. O’Brien’s brief introduction, we’ll hear introductory remarks from SGPS Trustee Candidates Emils Matiss, a neuroscience PhD Candidate, and Nick Mertin, a graduate student transitioning from Masters to PhD in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Following their introductions, we’ll hear from Vice President Community Candidate Tanya Joseph, a PhD student in the Faculty of Education, followed by VP Graduate Candidate Ali Fathi, PhD candidate in Civil Engineering and then VP Graduate candidate Ikeoluwapo Baruwa, PhD Candidate in the Faculty of Education and Surabhi Velagala, a Master’s student in Public Health Sciences.
Following their remarks, we will hear from the SGPS Presidential Candidate Dawood Tullah, a 2L student in the Faculty of Law student who is running unopposed followed by Oishik Bhattacharya, a Master’s candidate in the Faculty of Law running for VP Finance unopposed.
Then we’ll hear opening remarks from three of the four VP Professional Candidates starting with Destine Lee, a 1L student in Law, followed by Megan Roth, a second year medical student, and Rit Nanda, a PhD Candidate in Environmental Studies. The fourth candidate Amir Shetaia from Electrical and Computer Engineering did not participate in the All Candidates Debate. Two VP Community Candidates Ava Fiorino and Claire Dobbie were also not present for the debate.
Following each candidate’s opening remarks, they will then field prepared questions from the SGPS, then field questions from SGPS members present in the virtual space, and debate with each other on those questions.
Thank you for joining us here on the Campus Beat podcast for our coverage of the SGPS All Candidates debate, we hope you enjoy the program.