Matt’s on his own for the last WAFFLES! in 2018, which means it’s gonna get dark, folks. REAL dark. It’s The End. The Apocalypse. The Final Days. Songs about the big finish, the end of everything… and sometimes not.
Pre-recorded at home due to vacation plans; please forgive any audio quibbles.
Abime des Oiseaux :: Oliver Messiaien
Piano Four :: Howard Shore
It Is Accomplished :: Peter Gabriel
Chill of Death :: Charlies Mingus
Final Days of the Apocalypse :: The Comet is Coming
Death is Not the End :: Bob Dylan
Waiting for the Big One :: Peter Gabriel
Death is Not the End :: Nick Cave
In the End :: Rush
It’s Not The End of the World :: John Southworth
Dance me to the End of Love :: Leonard Cohen
Happy Ending :: Manitoba / Caribou
The End :: Wagon Christ
In The End :: Lionrock
The End :: Nico
The Final Countdown :: Postmodern Jukebox
A che ora e la fine del mundo :: Luciano Ligabue
Apocalypse Pop Song :: Memphis
Apocalypse Never :: Compassion Gorilla
New Year Song :: Hey Rosetta!
This Year :: Mountain Goats