Episode 7

This is the second episode of the two-part mini-series on mental health. In this episode, Kate is joined by Peter Mendolia and Prishni Seyone, the Head Manager and Marketing Manager, respectively, of the Peer Support Centre (PSC) at Queen’s University. Peter and Prishni share their experiences with the PSC, what mental health means to them and how we can support our own mental health as well as those around us. Peter also shares a ton of mental health resources that we have linked below. Enjoy.

PSC: http://amspeersupport.com/

Empower Me: https://www.queensu.ca/studentwellness/empower-me

TAO: https://www.queensu.ca/studentwellness/tao

Student Wellness Services (Queen’s): https://www.queensu.ca/studentwellness/mental-health

Good2Talk: https://good2talk.ca/

Talk: https://www.telephoneaidlinekingston.com/