CFRC Podcast Network
CFRC Podcast Network
International Dimensions of Engagement

(Sponsored by QUIC)

Our boundaries sometimes keep us from action due to the element of risk and the need to sacrifice resources. However, stepping outside our comfort zone can facilitate growth and learning. This panel seeks to explore how we can work across cultural and international borders in order to promote a better understanding of how to communicate with ‘the other’. In particular, we will explore three major themes: 

  • How can we learn to Interact in ways that are more meaningful & significant?; How can work that has been done to achieve reconciliation and restorative justice in Canada be applied  to an international peacebuilding framework? 
  • How can Chemistry researchers based in industrialized (Western) countries partner with their counterparts based in low-income countries (focusing specifically on Africa) to support robust and innovative research? 
  • What has development aid in Africa got to do with religion?

Moderator: Claudia Hirtenfelder

  1. How can we learn to Interact in ways that are more meaningful & significant? Canadian and International Perspectives on Social Conflict & Peacebuilding. (Martina Jakubchik-Paloheimo, Geography and Planning)
  2. Partnerships to develop Chemistry research capacity in low-income African countries (Ross Jansen-van Vuuren, Chemistry)
  3. Africa beyond Aid: Discussions from Ghana (James Kwateng-Yeboah, Cultural Studies)

Bed Music [Short Orchestral] by toam on Freesound: