CFRC Podcast Network
CFRC Podcast Network
Opportunities and boundaries between research and policy: Experience, Evidence and Emerging Paradigms with Policy on Drugs (QUIC)

(Sponsored by the School of Policy Studies)

This panel explores the boundaries between research and drug policy in Canada. The current regime of prohibition is increasingly at odds with the sciences of various disciplines. Psychedelic sciences offer a new paradigm on our relationship with psycho-active studies, Cannabis legalization has been a real-world, live-time laboratory in regime change, and the opioid overdose crisis manufactures harm on a pandemic level. Like climate change presents a the need for a radical rethink of much of our industrial policy, so does the mass prevalence of anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress require of us new thinking in our approach to psychology, psychiatry and the boundaries between health care, public policy and spirituality. It is an opportunity to base new drug policy on valid, contemporary research, and requires that scientists speak to the required policy changes and address the intersection of science and spirit. The boundaries between science, spirit and policy-making will be explored for tensions and possibilities. Psychedelic sciences present a worldview of global ecological networking on molecular, psychological, and cultural levels — a worldview which goes beyond boundaries into dynamic interdependence and into a new definition of the intersubjective self. 

Moderator: Warren Mabee

  1. Psychedelic medicine as a new paradigm: Where science meets spirit and boundaries collapse (Ron Shore, Kinesiology and Health Studies)
  2. Cannabis, Regulation and an Evidence Informed Drug Policy (Lindsay Lo, Psychology)

Bed Music [Short Orchestral] by toam on Freesound: