(Sponsored by Hyacinth Podcast)
This panel will work towards challenging and going beyond the traditional boundary of research and knowledge translation. These three very different projects utilized different methodologies, and in doing so, the researchers attempt to blur the line between what has traditionally been seen as research and create something that is accessible for the general public. Madison Danford’s project focused on newcomer youth, as co-researchers, who were interested in furthering their understanding of the role sport and physical activity has on the mental health and wellbeing of Newcomer Youth in Toronto. The project created a seven-episode podcast series featuring the newcomer youths’ insight on the topic. This paper will share critical insights regarding the involvement in creating podcasts as a form of knowledge translation, the implications for utilizing podcasts as YPAR methodologies will be discussed and suggestions for future practices will be provided. Zahraa Majed will explain Arts-based methodologies by providing newcomers with an art-making space through collaborative community development in order to understand their experiences of inclusion and belonging. Arts-based methodology can help in social, economic, and educational development and can increase their sense of identity and inclusion. Anthony Lomax is interested in how humans communicate with the plant world, specifically through certain musical practices. In this paper, they will discuss philosophical and ethical considerations when doing this work, how such work is perceived “beyond the boundaries” of epistemology/discipline, and how such work might intervene in the Euro-Western nature/culture divide.
Moderator and Team Member: Carmel Mikol
- Blurring the Line with Podcasts: The Youth Participatory Action Research Project (Madison Danford, School of Kinesiology and Health Studies)
- Arts-based methods for knowledge translation (El Zahraa Majed, School of Kinesiology and Health Studies)
- Beyond Human Boundaries – Communicating with Plants (Anthony Lomax, Cultural Studies)
Bed Music [Short Orchestral] by toam on Freesound: http://www.freesound.org/people/toam/