“Time of Your Life for Feb.24 Compassionate Communities Kingston Host : Elizabeth Macdonald Guests : Florence Campbell, Eleanor Rivoire”
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Ep.23 HOME

“Time of Your Life – Feb..14 This week on the Time of Your Life, we examine retirement homes and long term care facilities. Joanne Billing of the South East Local Health Integration Network which serves the Kingston area, explains the differences and how to decide which option best suits your needs. Interviewer : Carole Weir […]
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A look at the evolving world of funerals and a new cremation technique called Alkaline Hydrolysis. Some call it a green form of cremation. Host : Elizabeth Macdonald. Guest : Colin Wartman , Wartman Funeral Homes in Kingston and Napanee.
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Ep. 20 St. John

“Time of Your Life for Dec.16 Episode 20 An organization with roots dating back to the Crusades 800 years ago remains active here in Kingston offering first aid training and other community services. Marion Evans finds out about St.John Ambulance from local volunteer board chair Gary Hayes. Contact : St.John Ambulance (Loyalist) 1292 Bath Road, Unit 1, 613-384-8062 […]
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Ep. 19 Politics of Art

“Time of Your Life Nov.18 …. The Politics of Art The Time of Your Life’s Carole Weir interviews Kingston artist Pat Shea about his background, career and how politics influences his art. “
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Ep. 18 Remembrance

“Time of Your Life (for Nov.11) Remembrance A look at an almost forgotten story about World War One : The Canadian intervention in the Russia revolution. Also, the quest for peace by a Kingston group. And how influence killed more people around the world than the war. “
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Ep. 17 Advance Care Planning

“Time of Your Life for Nov.4 “Who will speak for you if you can’t speak for yourself?” That’ was the focus of workshops on Advance Care Planning held back in June at Edith Rankin Church and the Seniors Centre. The Time of Your Life’s Elizabeth Macdonald discussed Advance Care planning with Florence Campbell of Compassionate Communities […]
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Ep. 15 Paramedics

Paramedics are often the first responders when it’s an emergency. The Time of Your Life looks at the paramedics job with the head of Paramedic services for Frontenac County and the city of Kingston. Host: Carole Weir Guest : Gale Chevalier, chief of Paramedic Services for Frontenac County and the city of Kingston. “
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Ep. 13: SAKR

“Time of Your Life Sept. 25 The Seniors Association The latest episode of The Time of Your Life takes a look at the future of the Seniors Association Kingston Region and this year’s fundraising campaign. Guests : Don Amos, Exec.Director SAKR Alexis Dishaw , Director
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Coming or Going? The Future of Bookstores

Are book stores on the verge of extinction or will be around for a long time? The Time of Your Life looks at the case of Novel Idea, an independent bookstore in downtown Kingston. Host : Tara Morton Guest : Oscar Malan, BBB owner, Novel Idea, 156 Princess Street, 613-546-9799 email novid@kingston.net “
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Ep. 12 A Chat with Nutritionist Julie Daniluk

Time of Your Life for August.26 Nutrition Tips: Julie Daniluk is a leading nutritionist, veteran TV personality and author of several books. During a book tour stop in Kingston, Julie explained how a HOT Detox can heal our gut and cleanse our body. Time of Your Life host : Marion Evans Guest : Julie Daniluk, R.H.N. […]
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Ep. 11 Seniors and Veganism

August 5 Switching Diets According to some experts, it’s never too late to change your eating habits.. The Time of Your Life examines the benefits for seniors of switching to a more plant-based diet. Host : Tara Morton Guest : Sharon Ash, Health Promotion specialists at CFB Kingston. Director – Kingston Vegetarian Network. Contact : https://www.kingstonveg.com
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Ep. 10 Pot and Seniors

“Time of Your Life Episode 10 July 12 The New Marijuana and Seniors Host : Elizabeth Macdonald. Guest : Dr.Joy Hataley. Family doctor, Frontenac Medical Associates. www.frontenacmedical.com “
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Ep. 9 Original Hockey Hall of Fame

“Time of Your Life Episode 9 Original Hockey Hall of Fame There’s a square puck, used in the first organized game in Kingston in 1886, Canada’s first Olympic hockey gold medal from 1924, the oldest jersey from Queen’s University and a salute to Kingston’s own Don Cherry. Those are just some of the highlights at […]
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Talking about Arthritis

“Time of Your Life Episode 8 Living with Arthritis. (R) It’s one of the most common human ailments. This week, the Time of Your Life looks at how to cope with arthritis. Interviewer: Ken Day Interviewee: Lisa Robinson, The Arthritis Society, 308 Wellington, Ste 100 Kingston, ON K7K 7A8 Toll-Free: 1-800-321-1433 Website: www.arthritis.ca “
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Ep. 7 – Barbie

One of the world’s best selling toys turned 60 this year. Barbie, based on a 1950’s European doll, quickly turned into a North American and world-wide icon. The Time of Your Life’s Elizabeth Macdonald celebrates Barbie’s career with some Kingston parents.
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Ep. 6 The Theatre Organ

“Time of Your Life Episode 6 Kingston Theatre Organ Society. Ken Day finds out about the Kingston Theatre Organ Society’s 1928 Kimball Theatre pipe organ installed at the Kingston Korean Church on Kirkpatrick Street. Contact – Kingston Theatre Organ Society – KTOS.ca “
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Episode 5: Ticks

“Podcast 5 Wed.May 29 – Ticks and Lyme Disease (R) Joan Black R.N., of the Kingston Frontenac Lennox and Addington Health Unit, who is involved with communicable disease prevention and control, helps us understand the importance of avoiding the black legged tick that has changed our lives. Also facts on Lyme disease. Host : Marion Evans […]
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Episode 4: Living with Parkinson’s Disease

” Time of Your Life Episode 4 (May 10 2019) When it comes to living with Parkinson’s in the Kingston area, an increasing number of people are seeing hope. Some are even dancing . Host :Elizabeth Macdonald Guest : Kingston physiotherapist Amy Booth. :parkinsonsdance.kingston@gmail.com“
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Ep. 3: Falls Prevention

In this episode, seniors can learn how to stay safe at home with the Stay on Your Feet falls prevention program offered by Kingston, Frontenac Lennox and Addington Public Health. Host : Ken Day Guest : Debbie O’Grady , Physical Activity Specialist 613-549-1232 ext 1209 email kflapublichealth.ca.
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Episode 2: When Its Time to Find a New Home

In this episode of The Time of Your Life, we examine retirement homes and long term care facilities. Joanne Billing of the South East Local Health Integration Network that serves the Kingston area, explains the differences and how to decide which option best suits your needs. Host : Carole Weir Guest : Joanne Billing, Vice […]
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Episode 1: Seniors and Pets

Seniors and pets are inseparable. Caring for a cat, dog,or both, is a good way for both of you to to stay active and alert.Host: Ken DayGuest: Dr. Jeff Latimer, owner, Princess Animal Hospital. 1027 Bayridge Drive, Kingston, 613-634-7123 www.princessanimalhospital.com
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