First hour featuring, from an unaired September 28th poetry event called ‘Unravel’ held at Union Gallery, you’ll hear host Ashley Newton, and readings by Haley Sarfeld, Alexandra Brooke, Sarah Emtage, Lin Lune, Alyssa Cooper, and Billie the Kid. Second hour featuring, from the October 2nd open mic reading in the ‘and the journey continues’ monthly series, you’ll hear readings by Kin Man, Anne Graham, Roger Dorey, Eric Folsom, and Bruce Kauffman. Following that, from the November 6th reading in the same series and held as part of CFRC 101.9fm’s annual funding drive – readings by Rob Watson, Kin Man, Jennie Marshall, Jill Glatt, Ky Pearce, Anne Graham, Bob MacKenzie, Eugene Cornacchia, and Meg Freer.