Vince Ha

Vince Ha (PHD in Screen Cultures and Curatorial Studies) – the intersection of transnational media and queer studies

Vince looks at queer sociality through the Boys Love media, a genre that portrays homoerotic relationships between two men by straight female creators for often assumed straight female readers. This genre was developed in Japan after WWII and was argued to liberate women from gender constraints. Since then, the genre has gained tremendous popularity in […]

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Natasha in the studio

Natasha Lomonossoff (PHD in English Literature) – the religious and political writings of Anna Laetitia Barbauld, a thinker and educator who lived in Britain from 1743-1825

Natasha is particularly interested in Barbauld’s  contributions to public debate in the nation following the French Revolution in 1789, which some Britons supported as an example to follow.  For upcoming interviews check out the Grad Chat webpage on Queen’s University School of Graduate Studies & Postdoctoral Affairs website – 

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